I went with Stephen and some of his friends, who've been every year for the past six so I was with an expert. We camped next to the Other Stage so saw a lot of bands on there, we wandered through the Green Fields, lay in the Jazz World drinking strawberry cider, we played in Greenpeace fields, we soaked up the atmosphere, we got muddy, we got tanned (well, I got tanned, everyone else seemed to get burned!), we were happy.
It was such a great atmosphere and it was wonderful to experience these things with Stephen. My eyes were wide open the whole time, seeing new things and loving everything about it. We saw lots of good bands, I saw the four I definately wanted to see and some more. We introduced each other to new music, new worlds.
And after a few days it was time to come home, ready to face the world again. But it made it a bit easier, knowing that next year, we can escape to that field in Somerset again.
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