Thursday, July 29, 2010

So long I hardly know it

Once more I have forgotten my blog. Either that or the words just wouldn't come.
Things have changed. I've changed. Here's some things I have learned.

* You can't win every battle, choose wisely and let the others pass
* The future is always exciting, no matter how bleak things can look now
* 19 diamonds are better than 1
* I am growing up whether I like it or not
* Scary can be good
* It's okay to sometimes be angry with God. He can take it.
* Cats are great company
* Cats are their own beings and some times just don't want a cuddle
* Watching more than 10 minutes of Jeremy Kyle makes me want to throw something at the telly
* People only go on Loose Women to promote something. It's usually not worth promoting.
* I know what a labral is
* Wedding planning is good fun although sometimes slightly surreal. Hatlet, anyone?

I shall, as always, endevour to post more often.