Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dark times

The world seems like a sad place at the moment.

The sun hasn't shined for most of the summer. Young people are killing each other on the streets. The economy is in crisis and no one has any money. The housing market is bad. There might be a new cold war. There seems to be no hope, no good news, no light.

Even in the street everyone seems to be struggling. Walking awkwardly, struggling to stand straight, weighed down by difficult bags; difficult times. No one is smiling.

Maybe because I'm struggling at the moment with work and with life that I can't see the good things. I've had some great times recently, a lovely weekend with my sister and I know I'm loved by lots of people. But the sadness creeps in and with nothing good screaming out to me from the media or the outside world, sometimes I wonder when it'll all end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,
I do understand how you feel. How observant of you to notice how people look in these difficult times. Difficult for many people I think. But always remember I am only a phone call away when you need to talk or have company. (even if we only cry into our tea together!)