Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love is in the air...

It's Valentine's Day today and for the first time for...well, too long, I am not single. I have had a lovely text of Stephen and this evening we are going out for dinner. We've both taken tomorrow off so that we can have a lie in and spend the day just being together.

Obviously when I was single I hated Valentine's Day. I was the same as everyone else saying it was a commercial holiday that didn't mean anything and that if people needed a special day in order to tell someone that you love them then your relationship can't be that good and blah blah blah. Now I'm on the other side of the fence then I feel bad for thinking like that.

Yes it is shoved in the face of everyone who is single but no more than Christmas is for non-Christians or Easter for diabetics.

Yes, Valentine's Day is overly commercialised but so are all holidays nowadays. Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter.

No, I don't need a day to know that Stephen loves me. He tells me and shows me every day and for that I know I am truely blessed

But tonight we will go out for dinner and celebrate because for me Valentine's Day is an excuse to eat lots of Italian food and drink a lovely bottle of wine and share a lot of laughs. I am not expecting flowers to be delivered to the office or overblown romantic gestures but I will continue to smile and look forward to my evening out with the man I love.

I do not want to push our love into people's faces but neither will I apologise for being happy.

If you're single or you don't celebrate Valentine's Day then fine, don't. Ignore it. But don't try to ruin my day because of it.

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